La esponja Konjac es su cómplice de limpieza. Se deriva de Konjac, que es una raíz originaria del sudeste asiático que está repleta de fibra, aminoácidos, vitaminas y minerales como hierro, potasio, fósforo y calcio. Estos elementos ayudan a nutrir e iluminar la piel sin compuestos químicos.
Nuestra esponja Konjac completamente biodegradable y natural está hecha de polvo de glucomanano Konjac infundido con diferentes ingredientes para apuntar a todo tipo de piel.
Su textura de gel suave, casi sedosa, es lo suficientemente suave para cualquier piel, sin importar cuán delicada sea, pero logra exfoliarla ligeramente, eliminando las impurezas y dejando su cutis brillante y aterciopelado.
Cuando se trata de elegir la mejor esponja para usted, considere su tipo de piel.
- Pure White: todo tipo de pieles, especialmente pieles sensibles
- Bamboo Charcoal: pieles grasas y mixtas
- Pink Blossom: pieles apagadas y deshidratadas, así como pieles sensibles
- Green Tea: piel madura y para prevenir el envejecimiento
- Lavender: Para pieles propensas al acné y puntos negros.
We Offer Free Standard Shipping, All The Time.
Most in-stock items will arrive on your doorstep 3-8 business days after we receive your order.
Returns & Exchanges
- Start your return online.
- Ship your items with the prepaid shipping label that we'll email to you to print at home.
- No printer? Show your digital return code at an eligible USPS location and they'll print a shipping label for you.
- Returns are processed in 10-14 business days and refunds can be expected 5-7 business days after processing.

You can feel good knowing that our skincare line is safe without cancer-causing chemicals or formaldehyde-releasing agents.

Australian Native Extracts
Combining the power of potent skin actives with the incredible benefits of Australian native ingredients.

100% Natural & Vegan
Our skincare products are powered by plant-based ingredients that are non-toxic and purely natural.
We want you to be 100% satisfied with your purchase, and stand by the quality of our products. Should you for any reason be unhappy with your purchase, we will issue a refund to your credit card or exchange an unsatisfactory product for another one if returned within 30 days. Please see our Returns Policy for details on how to process.